Upgrade to Windows 11

with Computeam and Acer

Acer for Education Logo (acer-education_sized.svg) Computeam Logo for Acer Landing Page (computeam_sized.svg)

Windows 11 Logo (windows11-tagline.svg)

October 2025 marks the date at which your school will stop receiving support for Windows 10. While that deadline might seem like a way off, delaying the migration to Windows 11 will come with a multitude of potential issues, some of which your school may already be experiencing — so it’s crucial to make the switch as soon as possible. 

From cyber security threats and performance issues to critical data loss, the list of problems your school’s IT estate may encounter through not migrating to Windows 11 is a long one. But Computeam is here to help…

Free assessment
and report

To help guide you through the upgrade, in partnership with Acer, Computeam is offering a free comprehensive assessment and report on your school's current hardware and software estate. 

Available to both new and existing clients, our industry experts will identify outdated systems and provide strategic recommendations for upgrades, ensuring compatibility with Windows 11 and improved educational outcomes.

Why Your School MUST
Upgrade to Windows 11

Starting the upgrade process now is vital in reducing potential issues your school might experience. Educational institutions that migrate to Windows 11 early can also take advantage of the significant improvements within the new operating system.

Robust security features

Windows 11 uses robust security software to mitigate cyber threats and preserve critical data. Meanwhile, features such as Smart App Control, a cloud-based security solution, block harmful software and apps.

Enhanced interface for navigation

Windows 11 introduces an updated, user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation and accessibility, making educational resources more accessible to both students and teachers.

Productivity and multitasking

The new OS enhances productivity with features that support multitasking and streamlined administrative functions, allowing for more efficient management of educational tasks.

Improved accessibility

Windows 11 has broadened Microsoft’s accessibility features, supporting a diverse range of learning needs and enabling all students to participate fully in educational activities.

CompuSkills Rewards Logo (ct_compuskills-rewards.svg)

There are additional benefits of choosing Computeam as your technology service provider. Through our CompuSkills rewards program, available through Computeam Engage, every purchase of an Acer mobile device, laptop, or Chromebook between 1st April 2024 and 27th September 2024 entitles your school to a £10 CompuSkills Reward voucher — which can be used to gain access to high-quality training resources.

Find out more about
CompuSkills Rewards

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